Chamber Programs

Business Happy Hour Networking Receptions

Business Happy Hour receptions are perfect for a new business, a business that has added a feature or expanded your services, or a great way to bring recognition to your existing business. Signing up to host a reception occurs during the month of October through a lottery system. We encourage businesses to partner for a Business Happy Hour event, especially if you are a home-based business or your business is located in a plaza adjacent to other chamber businesses. For more information about hosting a Business Happy Hour reception, contact the Chamber of Commerce.

Maximizing Your Membership

Maximizing Your Membership is a service offered to Chamber members or businesses interested in becoming a Chamber member where your Chamber benefits are reviewed. This session will aid you in utilizing the Chamber website to the best of YOUR advantage and gives you content management control. The short class also informs you of various sponsorship and advertising opportunities and services offered by the Chamber at little or no cost and how your business can best utilize the benefits offered through your membership. Maximizing Your Membership classes are held the second Tuesday of the month at 8am. Check the Chamber calendar or call for time and location.

Education Programs

The Chamber offers a myriad of educational programs throughout the year including Starting Your Business, Understanding Financials, Marketing and many other topics. The sessions usually last one hour. Contact the Chamber or check the calendar for the topic and location.

Business Consultation

The Chamber of Commerce offers business inquiry or assistance through its consultation services. Interested persons can visit with the director to obtain information on site location, financial assistance programs, Enterprise Tax Zone information, Opportunity Zone information, licensing, business plan assistance, community or regional statistics and data mining assistance. The chamber partners with many organizations such as the Pagosa Springs Community Development Corporation (CDC), Region 9, the SBDC and Club 20 to assistance your business in getting off the ground or expanding your services.

Small Business Development Center

The Southwest Small Business Development Center , located in Durango, has a certified SBDC business advisor scheduled to consult with clients for free. Individual meetings can be made to discuss a business plan, loan opportunities, business creation or anything related to business.


2022 Chamber Annual Report